Ueno Zoo’s baby panda publish! The watching time is 1-2 minutes with the advance lottery

The baby panda “Xiang Xiang” born in June, 2017 at the Ueno Zoo will be open to the public from December 19 until January 31, 2018. It is possible to view by preliminary lottery, acceptance of application will start from December 6. Approximately 2,000 people can view per day, viewing time is about 1-2 minutes.
Until now, mother panda “Xing Xing” and baby panda “Xiang Xiang” were not both shown.
The growth of “Xiang Xiang” is going well, and the health condition of “Xing Xing” is also confirmed to be good, so both pandas will be shown this time.
Many people are looking forward to the public of “Xiang Xiang”, but in order to see the natural appearance of the baby panda, it is important not to give stress stimulus to “Xiang Xiang”.
Please note the following for that.
· Visit with plain clothes. (Black clothes are the best)
· Don’t use flash for photography.
Even during the open period, it may be canceled depending on the physical condition of the pandas.
Because many people want viewing, you need to be selected by lottery. But if you win you can watch baby panda “Xiang Xiang”. If you are interested, please apply.
■ Baby Panda’s “Xiang Xiang” public information (Japanese)
Tokyo Zooet
■ The lottery information (Japanese)
Tokyo Zooet
Ticket Pia