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TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries 2017

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TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries 2017

A fascinating journey that will show you the sides of Tokyo you have not yet seen

“TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries 2017” going to the goal while solving mysteries and puzzles set in various places in Tokyo will be held from October 1, 2017 to January 31, 2018. “TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries” was held three times in the past, and more than 120,000 people participated.
If you participate in this game, you need to purchase the “game kit” first. It will come with a Tokyo Metro 24-hour Ticket. And you will unravel the mysteries hidden in the city of Tokyo and Tokyo Metro one after another, and aim for the goal using Tokyo Metro.
You may be able to discover the new charm of Tokyo that you cannot experience in your daily life.
TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries 2017


Event Name TOKYO METRO The Underground Mysteries 2017
Venue 【game kit sales location】
Tokyo Metro pass office at Ueno station or Shinjuku station
*For Shinjuku station, the English game kits can be bought ONLY on weekends (Sat and Sun), and public holidays (excluding Year start), from 9:00 – 14:00.
Dates October 1, 2017 – January 31, 2018
Note *The ANSWER box and the HINTS PAGE will require an internet connection to access. You can either use your mobile phones, tablets or computers to access the pages. (Please note that standard data usage charges may apply)
*The game kit and the 24-hour Ticket cannot be bought separately.
*The 24-hour Ticket will be valid for 24 hours from when it is first used.
*All game kits only come with 24-hour Tickets for adults. No child 24-hour Tickets are provided with the game kits.
Open Hours 【sales time of game kit (Ueno station)】
7:40 – 20:00
Admission 2,160 yen (game kit)
*The game kit includes a Tokyo Metro 24-hour Ticket.
*Please note that you will have to buy a drink somewhere throughout the game as part of a puzzle. Please have 100 yen on you for the drink.

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