Tokyo International Art Fair 2017
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Image:Tokyo International Art Fair
Works of contemporary art superstars gather from all over the world
“Tokyo International Art Fair 2017” where artists and galleries gather from more than 40 countries will be held at Hikarie Hall in Shibuya Hikarie on May 26th and 27th.
More than 150 exhibitors will be filling the venue with an incredible display of contemporary art and thousands of artworks for sale. Everyone enjoys art appreciation, if there are works you like, you can buy at affordable prices and take home on the day.

Mr. Brainwash Image:Tokyo International Art Fair

Mr. Brainwash Image:Tokyo International Art Fair

Shane Bowden Image:Tokyo International Art Fair
On May 26th, there will be a reception party where invited guests and those who purchase tickets can participate. On the 27th, it is open to the public for admission free, you can enjoy the discussion with artists as well as appreciating and purchasing art works.
New talent will be introduced along with superstars representing contemporary art such as Mr. Brainwash and Shane Bowden.
On show will be paintings, sculptures, photography art, illustrations, printmaking, and jewelry, with a live painting and music show at the event.

Image:Tokyo International Art Fair

Image:Tokyo International Art Fair

Image:Tokyo International Art Fair
Event Name | Tokyo International Art Fair 2017 |
Venue | Shibuya Hikarie 9F, Hikarie Hall |
Dates | May 26, 2017 – May 27, 2017 |
Open Hours | 【May 26】 18:00 – 21:00 【May 27】 Art fair 11:00 – 19:00 Global Art Awards Ceremony 18:00 |
Admission | 【May 26 / Private view and vernissage】 Admission ticket : 1,500 yen 【May 27 / Art fair and Award ceremony】 Admission free *Admission tickets are available for purchase |
Address | 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |