Hiroshi Sugimoto Lost Human Genetic Archive
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Paramount Theater, Newark, 2015 Gelatin Silver Print
©Hiroshi Sugimoto/Courtesy of Gallery Koyanagi
Contemporary artist Hiroshi Sugimoto who is active New York based exhibit the latest work
Hiroshi Sugimoto is an artist, based in New York since the 1970s, who uses a large-format camera to produce minutely detailed photographic series, such as his ‘Dioramas’, ‘Theaters’, ‘Seascapes’, etc., for which he has received international acclaim. In recent years he has presented exhibitions based on historical research while also applying himself to architecture, both in Japan and abroad, exerting a powerful influence in a wide variety of fields, ranging from contemporary art and architecture to design.

a part of Last Supper (Act of God), 1999 Gelatin Silver Print
©Hiroshi Sugimoto/Courtesy of Gallery Koyanagi
This exhibition will occupy two floors of the museum; dealing with the epic theme of ‘the demise of mankind and civilization’, it consists of three bodies of work: the world’s first showing of his latest series, ‘Abandoned Theater’, the first Japanese showing of his ‘Lost Human Genetic Archive’ and a new installation work entitled ‘Sea of Buddhas’, which together present the artist’s view of history and the world.
*Please use “More options” on the Map to find the optimal route for the direction to venue.
Event Name | Hiroshi Sugimoto Lost Human Genetic Archive |
Venue | Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 2,3F Exhibition Gallery |
Dates | September 3, 2016 – November 13, 2016 |
Note | Closed Day:Every Monday (however, it will open on September 19 [Mon] and October 10 [Mon] and be closed on Sept. 20 [Tue] and Oct. 11 [Tue]) |
Open Hours | 10:00~18:00 ※ Thursday and Friday until 20:00 ※ 9/9 and 9/10 until 21:00 Last admission until 30 minutes before closing |
Admission | Adult: ¥1,000/Students: ¥800/Junior & senior high school students, people aged 65 or over: ¥700
※ Elementary school or less and a disability with certificate and their caregivers is free |
Address | Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 1-13-3 Mita Meguro-ku, Tōkyō |
Contact | 03-3280-0099 |