“GUNDAM docks” for the first time in Japan! Gundam occupies the whole DiverCity Tokyo Plaza
The first appearance in Japan “GUNDAM docks at TOKYO JAPAN” will be held at DiverCity Tokyo Plaza, from November 20, 2017 to January 8, 2018.
“GUNDAM docks” is a Gundam event born overseas that Gundam collaborates with shopping malls, was held for the first time in Hong Kong in 2013. After that, it was held in Singapore and Taiwan, and it will be held for the first time in Japan.
The inside of the building will be occupied by Gundam, such as exhibits of figurines based on a plastic model and sales of limited goods.
■Display of 1/10 size Gundam
Grand staircase in Festival Plaza, a total of 21 figures of 1/10 size Gundam, GM and Zaku are displayed. You can enjoy projection shows.
Venue / Grand staircase in Festival Plaza
Projection show opening time / every day from 10:00 – 21:00
*This show will not be held at the time when the night show of the Real Size Unicorn Gundam Statue is held.
■Photo Spot
You can take three-dimensional photographs as if you were in animation.
Venue / 4F Event Space
■Huge Haro balloon
Huge Haro balloons of about 2 meters are hung.
Venue / 4F-6F Open Ceiling Space
■Wrapping with successive Gundam
Each floor of 1F – 7F is wrapped by the exhibits of the successive Gundam series.
Venue / 1F – 7F each floor
*Some exhibitions until January 31, 2018.
In addition, various events such as stamp rally will be held.
Event Name | GUNDAM docks at TOKYO JAPAN |
Venue | DiverCity Tokyo Plaza |
Dates | November 20, 2017 – January 8, 2018 |
Open Hours | 【Holding time of Projection show】 10:00 – 21:00 |
Admission | Free |
Address | 1-1-10 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo |