KOGEI to live together
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Source: The Shiseido Gallery
Craft gently cuddle with human in their daily lives
Our lives these days are filled with so many material goods, and so much information overload, that there is a growing movement of people looking to shift back to simpler lifestyles closer to nature. There is something appealing about the idea of taking more care in choosing, using, and appreciating the utilitarian objects that populate our everyday lives. It is also true that Japanese crafts have been garnering more attention than ever abroad, appreciated not only for their technical excellence, but also for their earnest devotion to materials and their minimalist aesthetic.
This exhibition is devoted to those kinds of crafts that are there with us, often quite unobtrusively, in our everyday lives. To select the six artists presented here, the Shiseido Gallery enlisted the collaboration of Yoshiyuki Morioka, director of the Morioka Shoten book shop, who helped to select artisans from the theme of “dining” and “living”.

Naho Kamata
Works to be exhibited
Photo by Bungo Kimura

Takeo Kawabata
Photo by Bungo Kimura
Their creations are humble―spoons and forks, lamps, boxes, glass vessels, bowls, and so on―but the deep attention to usability and detail even amidst such outward simplicity gives these items an intrinsic beauty of which their users must surely, if subtly, become aware.

Hirotaka Tobimatsu
Works to be exhibited
Photo by Bungo Kimura

Wataru Hatano
Photo by Bungo Kimura

Kazumi Yoshimura
Photo by Bungo Kimura

Peter Ivy
Works to be exhibited
Photo by Bungo Kimura
Such works do not necessarily put themselves forward so strongly, but there is something palpable in their presence, and in the essence of richness that they bring to everyday life.
*Please use “More options” on the Map to find the optimal route for the direction to venue.
Event Name | KOGEI to live together |
Dates | September 6, 2016 – October 25, 2016 |
Note | Closed on Mondays (including public holidays) |
Open Hours | Weekdays: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Sundays and National Holidays: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Admission | Free |
Address | SHISEIDO GALLERY 8-8-3 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo |
Contact | 03-3572-3901 |